Race to Witch Mountain is one of the bigger missteps in the Disney canon and I'm surprised by how little I liked it. I usually love The Rock but in this it seemed like he was just reading his cue cards right outta the script, not to mention the alien-like dialogue which came off as wooden and forced by the kids. The music is inspiring at some points but the stereotypical govt. bullies and pursues them throughout the movie like a bunch of dumbasses and the bounty hunter dude is so indestructable yet we never hear where he's from or even how he got here. Going to Vegas and making fun of comic book nerds didn't win me over either, though I liked the CGI of the alien ships and car chase scene. In the end, this movie is just a repetitive nod to it's original and the director even says he hid the original actors and props inside the movie for the fans of the old ones. Either way, Disney lost out on this b/c they cast the Game Plan director instead of someone who can balance action and humor. Instead, this comes off like a bad ripoff where we just can't wait for it to be over. Oh well...
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