Today started with a film called Flash of Genius, the remarkable and inspiring true story of the man who battled the Ford motor company over the patent to his invention of the windshield wiper. This movie really struck a chord with me as I found myself connecting with the sadness and determination this guy had to face in order to prove he was right over a period of like 12 years. It was cool to see how he started out testing it in a garage with his family and the joy it brought him to make them proud by bringing it to Ford motors, only to have his idea stolen and then told to drop it because he could never win. Things like this happen all the time where big companies bully out these inventors who never have the strength to stand up for themselves so it was refreshing to see the courage it takes to stand up for what you know is right. Even after losing his family and being labeled crazy, the man took it upon himself to be his own lawyer and take Ford to court so that they could acknowledge it was his idea. The director did an excellent job making me sympathize with this character and feel his outrage after losing everything important he had in his life. It was never about money or making them look bad but the principle that all people should live by which is stay true to yourself and never give up on what you believe in. This was a powerful testament to the ability of the legal system to protect our rights and when his kids ended up helping him in the end, it was all worth it. I like these types of movies because you see the whole arc of his struggle through the unimaginalbe hardships to the rewarding ending and you can't help but cheer him on throughout when you know he deserved to win. Very well done.
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