Shaun of the Dead, a hilarioius parody of the zombie genre created by the team of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, is always a fun movie to revisit with some friends. After respecting the comedy they brought us in Hot Fuzz, you notice the same camera techniques and jokes used in this that really make this movie as rewarding each time you watch it. The main reason I really like this film is how they set up each of the character's daily lives and make us understand their issues within the space of this town they live in, whether it be where the local pub or convenience store is so that we as the audience see them hinting at what's to come but only play with the our intelligence of what to expect. After the town turns into zombies though, the gore factor steps up to the point where they show the deaths almost as laughable with over-the-top violence of hitting the undead with cricket bats, shovels, cutting off heads, and anything found around them. The blend of jokes with the horror of running from zombies really stops me from taking the movie seriously and instead made me think about what I would do in that situation while making you laugh at the way they deal with this as an almost inconvenience. Overall, Shaun of the Dead suceeds in the relationship it builds between the two characters and the use of gratituous gore to show the survival of these guys in a comedic way that never lets go of the tongue-in cheek humor to parody the way to kill zombies. I can't wait to see what they come up with next.
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