Saw the premire of Land of the Lost tonight and while it was by no means the turd that I had expected, it was nonetheless a retarded, dirty joke filled waste of time that actually offended me by the humor. First off, the special Fx of the T-Rex and Allosaurus are actually quite good, but everything else is so fake that you can tell it was filmed on a back lot on Universal. Basically one gross gag after another, Land of the Lost throws away all the innocence and young nature of the original to instead give us sex, poop and drug jokes that are funny for about 1 sec before you realize they don't fit the story at all. Danny McBride steals the show as Will, the trailer park idiot who basically wants to screw everything in sight or run away. Will Ferrell does his best of overacting but it really is just running around yelling or coming up with stupid idea to move the story along. I felt so sorry for Anna Friel in this movie as Holly who basically gets sexually abused the entire time, being felt up by Chaka and Will or told to do sexually explicit things b/c she's the only girl in sight. Either way, Land of the Lost is a failure in my eyes for one reason: it doesn't bring anything new to the table. From the fake costumes and scenery to the horrible dialogue, this movie is just one joke after another instead of a coherent plot which is so ridiculously annoying that it comes off as a joke itself. For god's sake, don't take your kids, your girlfriend, or even your buddies. The only reason I even liked a little bit of this movie at all was knowing that I was laughing at some dumb shit which no one would ever see me do.
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