I appreciated the slow pull ins and outs that Mendes uses to stay on a character so that their expressions change in front of you and make you really understand what they're feeling, not just using the editing to create tension but make you feel sorry or hate them all at the same time. Michael Shannon's portrayal as crazy John is hilarious and exposing all at the same time, a rare feat that he actually steals the movie away from the two leads. Kathy Bates puts in a great role as the overbearing neighbor and all the supporting work from his coworkers and couples they hang with all feel real in criticizing this man and wife who think they're better than everyone else. In the end, this movie is poweful in the way it makes you think, not just about your own life but about what it takes to keep positive in the world and how hard it can be sometimes if you're stuck in the same "hopeless emptiness". This movie is probably the first one that has gotten higher on my list of greats after i've seen it a second time. Now I wanna go see Mendes' new film, Away We Go.
This moive definetly does not define greatness. Your perception is jaded by your personal beliefs. Check out my blog for a serious review.