This remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still is a direct result of the technological era we live in, an overblown special fx extravaganza that treats it's audience as retards who can only understand the moral tale of our destruction of Earth from an airhead like Keanu Reeves. What's so apparent after watching the original a while back is how great that was at giving us this unknown threat of aliens while also commenting on the Cold War crisis and threat of nuclear annhilation. This update just tries so hard to bring back the themes of the original but then somehow falls apart halfway in order to give it a blockbuster type of plot where the characters are running away from something that isn't even put in until post production. I understand the need to reintroduce this idea of living green and protecting our environment to our youngsters so that we don't destroy all our natural resoures, but what does that have to do with harnessing nuclear power that threatens alien civilizations like in the original? The look and feel of the film at least has an effective glossed-over earthy color palette that integrates some cool green screen effects but with a movie this important, it should have been secondary to a thought-provoking story and engaging characters. Will Smith's son is just a bad actor, stick to being famous as your dad's son. Overall, there are some very important ideas that are thrown around in this movie like how to realistically handle an alien encounter or deal with unknown biological weapsons, but to have Keanu almost portrayed as some alien hitman who needs to decide if we deserve to try and help ourselves is proposterous. I was hoping for more from this movie and it failed to even give me any type of excitement or interest in listening to the commentary. What a waste of time!
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