The small hints that are dropped though like how she can't read the menu or the books he brings home all have meaning that helped me come to terms with her innocence by the end. From the intimate sex scenes, reading in bed, to her bathing him almost like a child, we see the reason each of these characters have for coming back to eachother which creates an emotional connection to both of them so when the film comes back to the present, we know what they've been through. This film is powerful in the ideas it brings forward regarding the Holocaust and how normal people were asked to work for the SS and the concentration camps not b/c they were bad but b/c they were forced to. The Reader is ultimately a movie that asks for forgiveness from Hannah's past and shows the deep impact love can have on someone's life if it's not fulfilled. I appreciated the recurring motifs of the books and how by the end he shows that he still loves her by recording his voice of all the stories and ultimately teaches her to read when she is on the verge of death. This movie is raw physical emotion coupled with accepting your past and forgiving someone who has made an impact on your life different than you expected. I enjoyed this movie for the deep characters and controversial subject matter.
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