I checked out the pre-release of Hellraiser on Blu Ray tonight and even though I thought I knew what these movies were about, this first one is pretty messed up and much different than what I expected. Most people associate these movies around the freaky PinHead guy but I guess original is more of an origin story to set up the mythology surrounding the series which now has 8 films. It's more of a love story surrounding this women who had an affair with her husbands brother and pretty much brings him bodies to try and regenerate his skin. Coming off more like a low budget, dated horror movie, the only thing Hellraiser has going for it is the nasty make-up effects of this demon guy who needs the blood of victims to slowly build his bones and muscles back after he escapes from hell. The mysterious box is only shown a couple times and these weird Cenobite characters from hell only show up twice to chase the girl around and eventually hook this guy up to chains to take him back.. After all the movies I've seen, this didn't seem as gory as people built it up to be which I think is saved for future sequels. Overall, it's always cool to see this iconic horror movies and characters being introduced while giving us nasty body parts being pulled apart and and practical FX, but this movie ultimately underwhelmed and came off as a lame start to an otherwise creepy horror series.
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