I find that the reason we all love movies so much and participate in discussions like these is because everyone literally has their own emotions/fears/baggage we bring so that no two people can have the same top 20 list. I watch a lot and find my favorite movies are ones I remember watching with my family, friends or a film that broke my understanding of physics and imagination. here they are:
1. King Kong (1933/2005) - the ultimate epic fantasy that shows how far we'll go for women
2. Jaws - Spielberg's masterpiece of editing/tension
3. The Wizard of Oz - the only movie my family watches every time it's on
4. Pan's Labyrinth - a child's innermost dreams come true was like a view straight in ours & GDT's mind
5. Raiders of the Lost Ark - the best action movie ever made
6. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - i consider this one film, one story, and the biggest production ever accomplished
7. Speed Racer - this polarizes people but to me the visuals enhance the family values and incredible score might be Giacchino's masterpiece
8. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - the funniest film of all time
9. Jurassic Park - the first time i realized the possiblities of movies
10. Pulp Fiction - every time you notice something different that connects each story
11. Se7en - understanding how serial killers work made me understand the horrors to which people are capable of
12. Saving Private Ryan - Spielberg's ultimate war film that was an appreciation for all our troops do
13. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - i've been that messed up before and it gets it sooo right
14. Terminator 2 - apocalyptic stakes with a heart
15. Up - I love dogs and sometimes talk to them
16.Forrest Gump - My name is Bubba, literally. nuff said.
17. Hot Fuzz - the greatest you have to be in on the joke movie that is hilarious every time
18. The Matrix Reloaded -something about not having to explain the rules & just going crazy makes me smile
19. The Sound of Music - my family prob sings this more than anything
20. There Will Be Blood - A meditation of a film that almost represenats the language of film in a bottle
other honorable mentions: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Blade Runner, Fight Club, Wall-E, Shawshank Redemption, Dances with Wolves, The Brothers Bloom, Seven Samurai, Zodiac, Goodfellas, The Lion King. Man i could prob list 100 movies that are all my favorites, this is tough - good luck everyone
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
6/28 - Jeunet's always impresses
Movies I watched:
She's Out Of My League Blu-Ray - 6/10 - Same old nice guy gets hot girl formula
Ride With The Devil Blu-Ray - 8/10- Audio Commentary with Ang Lee was good, his first action film
Micmacs - 10/10 - Jeunet has done it again with a hilarious attack on weapons companies
TV I watched:
Brazil/Portugal match, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Conan's Writer's Live
Music Listening To:
STS9 at Wakarusa, Cloverfield Score by Michael Giacchino
Book I'm reading:
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Lost Souls
Videogames Played
Fifa 08
Other cool stuff: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer!
She's Out Of My League Blu-Ray - 6/10 - Same old nice guy gets hot girl formula
Ride With The Devil Blu-Ray - 8/10- Audio Commentary with Ang Lee was good, his first action film
Micmacs - 10/10 - Jeunet has done it again with a hilarious attack on weapons companies
TV I watched:
Brazil/Portugal match, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Conan's Writer's Live
Music Listening To:
STS9 at Wakarusa, Cloverfield Score by Michael Giacchino
Book I'm reading:
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Lost Souls
Videogames Played
Fifa 08
Other cool stuff: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
6/23 - Toy Story IMAX3D The Sequel
Movies I watched:
Dreamscape Blu-Ray - 6/10 - Old school 80's about entering dreams, very Inception-like
Twin Peaks S1 DVD - 8/10 - weird David Lynch series
Toy Story 3 IMAX3D - 10/10 - second time was even better
TV I watched:
USA soccer match - epic, unforgettable game
Music Listening To:
Toy Story Soundtracks, new Cypress Hill album, Reflection Eternal
Book I'm reading
The Art of Toy Story 3
Videogames Played
Fifa 08
Other cool stuff
Scott Pilgrim Avatar Creator - http://www.scottpilgrimthemovie.com/avatarCreator/
Dreamscape Blu-Ray - 6/10 - Old school 80's about entering dreams, very Inception-like
Twin Peaks S1 DVD - 8/10 - weird David Lynch series
Toy Story 3 IMAX3D - 10/10 - second time was even better
TV I watched:
USA soccer match - epic, unforgettable game
Music Listening To:
Toy Story Soundtracks, new Cypress Hill album, Reflection Eternal
Book I'm reading
The Art of Toy Story 3
Videogames Played
Fifa 08
Other cool stuff
Scott Pilgrim Avatar Creator - http://www.scottpilgrimthemovie.com/avatarCreator/
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
6/22 - A Knight of a Day
Movies I Watched
- Private Lives of Pippa Lee Blu-Ray - 7/10 - Robin Wright, Keanu Reeves, Blake Lively
- Mystery Team DVD - 7/10 - it's alway funny seeing dorky people swearing in strip clubs
- Knight and Day - 9/10 - Tom Cruise/Camerion Diaz had great chemistry, best action film this year
TV Shows Watched
- The Good Guys
- Memphis Beat - (premiere)
- Jimmy Kimmel laptop show w/ Seth Rogen
Music Listening To
- The Roots "How I Got Over", Toy Story 3 OST, STS9 Wakarusa
Coolest thing on the internet?
new Inception featurette http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKeNqEws47o&feature=player_embedded
- Private Lives of Pippa Lee Blu-Ray - 7/10 - Robin Wright, Keanu Reeves, Blake Lively
- Mystery Team DVD - 7/10 - it's alway funny seeing dorky people swearing in strip clubs
- Knight and Day - 9/10 - Tom Cruise/Camerion Diaz had great chemistry, best action film this year
TV Shows Watched
- The Good Guys
- Memphis Beat - (premiere)
- Jimmy Kimmel laptop show w/ Seth Rogen
Music Listening To
- The Roots "How I Got Over", Toy Story 3 OST, STS9 Wakarusa
Coolest thing on the internet?
new Inception featurette http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKeNqEws47o&feature=player_embedded
Monday, June 21, 2010
6/21 - Just another Monday
Movies I watched
- Management Blu-Ray - 6/10 - with Steven Zahn and Jennifer Aniston.
- Unthinkable Blu-Ray - 6/10 - with Samuel L Jackson, Michael Sheen, Carrie Anne Moss
- Invictus Blu-Ray - 8/10- with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon
TV I watched
- Treme finale - fantastic ending to "The Wire" creator's new series.
- Dr. Steve Bruhle Check It Out - John C. Reily is so weird you just can't help but laugh
Music Listening To:
Eminem Recovery, Umphrey's McGee UMPHBOWL, Glitch Mob - Drink The Sea
Book I'm reading
- War Horse (Upcoming Speilberg movie)
Videogames Played
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Other cool stuff
- Green Hornet trailer premieres online after blackout at Jimmy Kimmel
- Management Blu-Ray - 6/10 - with Steven Zahn and Jennifer Aniston.
- Unthinkable Blu-Ray - 6/10 - with Samuel L Jackson, Michael Sheen, Carrie Anne Moss
- Invictus Blu-Ray - 8/10- with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon
TV I watched
- Treme finale - fantastic ending to "The Wire" creator's new series.
- Dr. Steve Bruhle Check It Out - John C. Reily is so weird you just can't help but laugh
Music Listening To:
Eminem Recovery, Umphrey's McGee UMPHBOWL, Glitch Mob - Drink The Sea
Book I'm reading
- War Horse (Upcoming Speilberg movie)
Videogames Played
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Other cool stuff
- Green Hornet trailer premieres online after blackout at Jimmy Kimmel
What LOST meant to me.....

Here is why I think it succeeded in what it set out to do so screw all you haters.
Each of my friends know that when I get obsessed about something that I push myself to the extreme where I’m not satisfied filling up on everything the show/movie has to offer until after it’s over. With the Lost mythology, there was almost too much to handle but spread over 6 years made it doable. Leading up to the finale of LOST, I read every message board, every article and interview with “Darlton”, saw the NY Times Interview in the movie theatre, rewatched all the past seasons with commentary and every bonus material on the Blu-Rays. So I thought I was prepared. But now that’s over, I realize that for all effort I took into guessing how it would end and completely immersing myself in the story aspect, I forgot to prepare myself for the emotional punch of the ending and the reality of losing a show that really was one of the most important staples of my entertainment filled life.
When I think back about why I loved LOST so much, the first thing that comes to mind is that it was unpredictable. With the mass amount of multi-tasking, internet filled spoilers and procedural drama cookie-cutter shows that we see every week, I could never have imagined that I would be taken on a ride like LOST where it was so original and dense that I could never predict what might happen to these people, I just had to go along for the adventure. And what a thrill it was. From the flashbacks to the flashforwards, the unraveling mystery of why each characters on LOST was there turned out to be the most important aspect of the show and just when I thought I knew who these characters were, they did something amazingly heroic or sad that turned the show on its head. Like. Real. People.
It seems with movies and TV shows today, the writers and directors map out every little detail of the script, concept art, staging, cast and pace of the piece that it almost becomes a paint-by-numbers approach where you could swap anyone in and they could basically come up with the same finished project. Not LOST. Every once in a while a piece of entertainment and creativity comes along that takes on a life of its own. I love that Darlton planned out the outline of the show and knew where it was headed but along the way accepted that the show was not perfect and had to evolve to the fans concerns and that they actually listened to the audience so that it could be the best show possible. By giving the fans little bits of information over the course of the 6 seasons, it could have been frustrating but to me it was actually a relief to not get them all at once because it felt like it was a slow release of the details of the show so that it never diminished what had already come before but built upon what I already knew. Even though each season had its own theme of time travel or reason for uncovering the mysteries of the show, that wasn’t the most important part. It was using this big unexplainable setting of an island to show the true nature of people and that in the end we are geared more toward good than bad.
The reason that I continue to argue LOST worked was because it gave us a simple but very important formula and stuck to it. What would normal people do in extraordinary situations? The decisions they made on the show I felt like I was making with them and would have done if I was in that position. With each struggle for survival and meaning they were faced with, I was so emotionally invested in the outcome that as events unraveled I was not only worried that it adhered to the answers we had already been given but seemed like it opened up a bunch of new ones that seemed even more important. The theme of redemption and “live together, die alone” is something I hope exists in a world constantly at war where I wish to learn from my mistakes and move forward by being around people I trust and treating others like I would want to be treated. It seems a lot of people were so caught up arguing how implausible the whole scenario was or how they thought the creators were just making it up as they went along that they forgot to appreciate the contrast of human emotions and connections that surfaced in a supernatural and otherworldly setting which reinforced a positive view of humanity.
Besides the emotional payoff LOST gave me by seeing a happy ending to the connections and “constants” that were created, the show also needs to be praised for the phenomenal production aspect of it as well. As we all know, sight AND sound are crucial to a full TV show/movie experience. With the perfect setting of taking place on Hawaii, the locations were a character of their own to the show and gave it a much needed dose of realism so that I never questioned the setting each these extraordinary events took place. On top of the scenery, Michael Giacchino is currently my favorite composer and his work on LOST’s soundtrack stood out as the backbone and core of the emotional rollercoaster I went on and I couldn’t be more thankful. I still listen to the scores when they come on and believe he found a true revelation that scoring it with a live orchestra brought even more credibility and inspiration to it.
For some reason I keep going back to JJ Abrams’ interview where he talked about his childhood “Mystery Box” as a fitting idea to a show which he started and then let loose. In his speech he said that the power of not knowing what’s inside the box was even more powerful than knowing what was in it because then it wouldn’t be as special to him anymore. LOST was a special show to me in that it truly had all the aspects I would want in a series. Humor, action, sci-fi, love and social commentary. It kept it’s answers so close to its chest that it became even more powerful by allowing me to stretch my mind and accept that once everything is explained, I would stop using my greatest gift: imagination. To me, my imagination of what was happening was so much more powerful than anything I can read or see on TV and I see a lot. As much as I like to know who is directing a movie or show, who wrote the script or who is the DP so I can prepare to understand the “language” they use, I still believe that uncovering something for the first time as it is occurring is crucial to the enjoyment and respect it deserves.
LOST will always be THAT show that I will remember and tell my kids about when I think back about this time in my life not only because it made me a better person by appreciating TV as art but because it taught me that I don’t need to know everything in this world and that the most important things in life like Love can’t be explained, you just have to believe in it. LOST was profound for the way it didn’t just give us the answers but made us talk with others around the watercooler or with my twin brother who was just as obsessed as I was. This idea that there are bigger forces at work in the universe bringing us all together is something I firmly believe in. So with LOST, it was like a show was speaking to me directly, taking the core themes we all want to accept as true in the world and made me ponder what everything means and if we truly are content not knowing all the answers but just living for the moment.
There are people who are pissed at the ending because it seemed too “metaphysical” and “afterlifey”. I respectfully disagree. After all the polar bear cages, food drops, hydrogen bombs, button pushing, submarines and everything else that was so crucial to understanding the history of the island and why these characters were brought there, in the end none of it truly mattered if they didn’t all end up together to be able to remember their character arcs and internal change they accomplished together. I absolutely loved the flash-sideways revelation because these characters who had been through so much together seemed to be meeting again for the first time, their emotions and memories flooding with all the heartbreak and sacrifice that was needed to get them to where they were so they could move on. By reintroducing each person’s “constant” in the finale, it made everything else that had happened on the island that much more important because I knew who these people were even though they didn’t. I for one cried like a baby at the ending but it was only because the characters on LOST were so good at sticking to who they were through it all and confirming the hopes that we had from the beginning that they would come out better for crashing on the island than they would of if they lived their lives without one another.
In the end, LOST proved to be something that was more rewarding the more you were into it. Anytime we put in an effort to embrace a form of entertainment, we do so in hopes that it will be worthwhile. That LOST become a bridge to making my life happier, being creative, or just thinking that everything happens for a reason is something that will stick with me until I hopefully meet everyone who has meant something to me in the afterlife as well. I doubt any show will be able to make me care about something as deeply as I cared about LOST but in thinking positively, I think there will.
To some LOST was just another TV show trying to be edgy by giving tons of mystical questions and playing with an audience by not answering them when we wanted them. That’s a shame. To me, LOST will always be in a league of its own for the way it encapsulated the very themes of storytelling and character that are found in even the most ancient tales. When something unexplainable occurs, we tend to get so caught up in trying to figure out why it happened and what I did to deserve this that we never stop to appreciate who we get to go on the adventure with and how these obstacles occur for a reason in order to shape us for the better so that we can truly appreciate what we have and how lucky we are to live in a world with such great entertainment.
I look forward to introducing as many people as possible to LOST and I hope you do too.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
G.I. Joe (2009) (Theatrical) - 8/10
The Soloist (2009) (Blu Ray) - 6/10

Friday, August 7, 2009
The Greatest Game Ever Played (2005) (Blu Ray) - 9/10

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Constantine (2005) (Blu Ray) - 8/10
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Race to Witch Mountain (2009) (Blu Ray) - 6/10

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Green Lantern: First Flight (2009) (Blu Ray) - 7/10

Monday, August 3, 2009
Sin City (2005) (Blu Ray) - 10/10

Mad Men: Season 2 (2008) - 9/10

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Fast & Furious (2009) (Blu Ray) - 8/10

Friday, July 31, 2009
Twilight (2008) (Blu Ray) - 1/10

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Rec (2007) - 7/10

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Knowing (2009) (Blu Ray) - 6/10

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989) - 10/10

Memento (2000) (Blu Ray) - 9/10

Monday, July 27, 2009
Coraline (2009) (Blu Ray) - 10/10

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Super Troopers (2001) (Blu Ray) - 10/10

Friday, July 24, 2009
The Haunting in Connecticut (Blu Ray) (2009) - 7/10

The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) - 9/10

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Robot Chicken Star Wars: Episode 2 (2009) - 8/10
Boogie Nights (1997) - 9/10

The Unborn (Blu Ray) (2009) - 7/10
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Paper Heart (2009) - 7/10

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ong Bak (2003) - 7/10

Monday, July 20, 2009
Jaws (1975) - 10/10

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pitch Black (2000) (Blu Ray) - 7/10
Goal II: Living the Dream (2007) - 8/10
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) (Blu Ray) - 8/10
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) (Blu Ray) - 8/10
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) (Blu Ray) - 9/10
Jarhead (2005) (Blu Ray) - 8/10

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Delicatessen (1991) - 7/10

The Mask (1994) (Blu Ray) - 8/10

Monday, July 13, 2009
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) (Blu Ray) - 9/10
Casablanca (1942) (Blu Ray) - 9/10

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2000) (Blu Ray) - 8/10

Away We Go (2009) (Theatrical) - 7/10

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Big Fish (2003) (Blu Ray) - 9/10

Friday, July 10, 2009
12 Rounds (2009) (Blu Ray) - 8/10

Frankenstein (2004) - 6/10

He's Just Not That Into You (2009) (Blu Ray) - 7/10

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Rushmore (1998) - 9/10

JFK (1991) (Blu Ray) - 9/10

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li (2009) (Blu Ray) - 4/10

Walz With Bashir (2008) - 7/10

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Bruno (2009) (Theatrical) - 9/10

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) (Blu Ray) - 10/10

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