A remarkable achievement in epic historical filmmaking, Oliver Stone provides a great commentary for this 205 minute analysis of all the conspiracies and facts surrounding one of the most important assasinations in history. Stone talks about all the details he was allowed to include in the film from filming in the actual library where they think Oswald shot from to the actual offices of the politicians. What makes JFK such an all encompassing view on this great event is the incredible ensemble cast that are so many you can't even name them on here. Costner is great as the energetic man trying to bring to light all the mysterious details of how the government changed facts and created the patsy's for what we still don't know the truth to. I enjoyed listening to the terrific score by John Williams and the commentary provided great depth to the extensive research and actual transcripts of the courtroom scenes they brought into the screenplay to give multiple sides of the same incident. Eventually winning the oscar for editing, JFK is a triumph of a balancing act, giving me so many facts that it makes you think they were really onto uncovering the truth while making this. Towards the end Stone refers to this as his "Godfather' and Nixon as his "Godfather 2" and I say I have to agree with him. Movies like these are so much harder to put out nowadays b/c the government probably has even more to hide and censor.
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