Rec is the movie that Quarantine was based on and even though it does bring the horror and realism a little bit better, it still underwhelms by the annoying secondary characters who basically are only there to be killed. I liked the documentary structure of talking to the camera and following the fire crews around but once the pathogen takes over and people start turning into infected flesh eaters, the sets really don't change and the attacks are pretty one note. Though the shaky cam works well to make it seem like the wounds and blood are happening in real time, the movie is ultimately too small and unrememberable to show any true action or enduring heroes. The main female even dies at the end which makes you wonder why you even were supposed to like her in the first place. Still interesting for it's subtitles and trying to change the genre but the small budget is felt and there's not enough light to see what's happening half the time.
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