I remember reading the book for The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy and thinking there was no way they could ever make it into a movie. But after I've seen this movie a couple times now and once again today with commentary by the director and cast, I have to give this movie huge props for actually getting better with time and more fun than I could have ever imagined. What's so cool about this movie is that it integrated all types of CGI, matte paintings, practical, cartoon, and just about every weird editing technique in the book. The comedic tone for such an event as the earth being destroyed is what makes this movie so fun, taking the weird ideas and expanding on them with such creative energy that I can't help but be swept away in the quirkiness. The commentary was hilarous if just for the stories from the cast about bad wigs, the huge puppets, and the way that they would compose the music first and then edit the shots around it. From descriptions of how they filmed on location in Wales and on stage, you can tell everyone involved had a blast on the shoot and really enjoyed bringing their characters to life. From the littel details of wanting to use CGI mice vs real or the blue screen scenes or props to Sam Rockwell, this movie has such an original tone and british sense of humor that you really wont' find anything like it coming out of the states. I absolutely love this movie and can see it becoming an annual watching event.
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