You either love or hate The Royal Tenenbaums and I am in the category of loving everything Wes Anderson does. From the weird yet familiar characters, the commentary really helped me understand the casting and creative process that came from such an ambitious movie. By writing in the acts like the screenplay, the movie is so structed and divided that it's easy to get confused as to who is who. But the way that you see everyone as kids then grown up really is a testament to the casting and scriptwork to have these underlying themes and motifs pop up that really go along with the great music he incorporates. This movie has such dry humor that you sometimes wonder if you should be laughing but to me it almost reminds me of Arrested Development in the dysfucntional family aspect and straight faced seriouslness. Anderson's commentary was a little dry but still got across some hidden articles and his childhood memories of forts, red jumpsuits, and the bird. Definitely a cult classic.
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