Started my Harry Potter Blu Ray marathon last night and had a blast going back to year one to see all these character when they were just babies. What's amazing to think about as I start to get into this world of Harry Potter is to see how much the actors have grown up over the course of 9 years and 6 movies so it's a testament to the casting director of this first film to see the potentional of them all to stick with the series all the way through. This first film is definitely dated yet still has that sparkle of fantasy and adaptation that works so well that you can't help but be transported into Hogwarts and the magic within. I like the way it balances the humor witht the CGI and weird characters to give you a organic feel to the surroundings as we see the school for the first time. Introducing all the teachers and other students feels so weird after we've been with them for years now that it must be weird for them to go back and see how kidlike their performances were. Nonetheless, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a terrificly fun film that is a blend of everything you're looking for in a series and a remarkable feat to bring that chemistry off the screen. I'm looking forward to seeing all these in a row again though wish there were commentaries to go along.
Once again you fail to transpose what you think of the movie and what the movie is. Try reading more blogs for better ideas.