Saw Bruno at an advanced screening tonight and can confirm that it is even more outrageous, offensive, and gut wrenchingly hilarious than Borat. Sasha Baron Coen is a master of disguise, a one man army that is totally in character that you have no choice but to believe he is the gay austrian fashion expert who gets blacklisted from europe and comes to the USA to become famous. What makes this movie so revolutionary, as did Borat, is the way that he uses humor to break the ice in these uncomfortable situations and turns the hidden bigotry found all over to full light by interviewing such racist and ignorant people that you can't help but cringe. There are so many funny situations in this movie that it's impossible to spoil, using gross out full frontal nudity, terrorism, baby commercials, and talk shows to oust people's fears of the gay reporter. Bruno was better than i'd hoped and had the audience reeling throughtout, a real feat given that people know this is a schtick after Borat. Cohen manages to trick celebrities and normal folk alike into thinking he is someone he's not and in the process uncovers such real life stupidity that you almost wish that it WAS scripted. Either way, Bruno will be on repeat watch for me and I can't wait to see this again with my friends.
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