I watched Back to the Future III this afternoon with the commentary by producers/directors again and enjoyed it much more this time around because I got to learn some stuff in the process. It must have been cool that BTTF II had the trailer for this last one showing the old west time period, teasing audiences that it was coming out only 5 months later. Setting this movie back in 1885 as the western was a breath of fresh air for the series I think as keeping all the same motifs and characters made it seem like a continuation of the first two films. What I like is the way the music is tweaked to mirror famous western themes as well as have the iconic image of the delorean being pulled by horses or the shootout that takes it's camera shots directly out of the classic cowboy movies. Contrasting part 2's overusage of a technology based future, the western goes back to the roots of invention and creativity as they have to devise a way to use what they have back then to get the delorean up to 88. Some interesting things they talked about were the use of green screen shots to have two Marty's in the same shot, the flat train cars they had to have the crew on while it was moving, and the fact that they used ILMs effects to create a mixture of desert background with new technology to create a layer within the frame. With some cool references to the first 2 movies and the climax on the train, BTTF III just reinforced the coolness these movies represented for time travel, sci fi, and how comedy can be intertwined through it all.
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