Role Models is a movie that I didn't care too much for when I saw it in theatres and now watching it again on Blu Ray , I realized I'm still annoyed by it for the same reasons. The problem with this movie is that it has so much potential to be hilarious and from the beginning sets up this crude, buddy comedy about two slackers that work for an energy drink company partying like we all do. But just when I think that the dirty jokes and banter b/w them is going somewhere, it ends up as a comment on societies problems where they cop out and go hollywood by givin us this joke of them mentoring kids for this Sturdy Wings program where someone thought a young black kid saying fuck would be funny. The opposing characteristics of the two guys works the best i thought as Stiffler pretty much plays, well Stiffler, the sex fueled alcoholic who loves his minimum wage job b/c there's no responsibility and stress. Paul Rudd's character though is trying to keep his relationship going and dealing with his mid life crisis of wanting more out of life, making them almost opposites who must work together to get through this horrible community service project. There are certain scenes when they're getting lectured by the Sturdy wings leader which are funny, but everything seems cheesy and predictable by the end where we see them try to bond with their kids and ultimately end up failing but learning more about themselves to win in the end. The stupid LARP (live action role playing) games they participate in throughout the movie just comes off as gay, reminding me how much I hate the game my brother plays for taking people out of the real world. Overall, it's sad to have such a balls out Unrated comedy which sputters out when they try to give all the jokes to the kids and have these two guys who I connect with trying to be responsible. If i want a reality check, i'll go home.
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