Sometimes a movie tries so hard to show the realistic assholes of the film industry that it ends up being useless as escapism and instead is just boring compared to the titles referenced within. With a title that begs the question, What Just Happened, this flick starring Robert De Niro wasn't bad in any sense of the word but just didn't shock or move me enough to care about what happened to the characters involved. Following the true accounts published by a famous producer in Hollywood, I found it interesting how this movie painted the different jobs in Hollywood as almost mundane to the point where they're all labeled as divorced, cheating and ruthless pricks who will do anything to make money. It was funny seeing Bruce Willis and real actors playing themselves but instead of wanting to be a rich producer like we are shown, I was almost sad for Robert DeNiro's character who had to battle with his ex-wives and directors who try to screw him over every chance they got. There were certain things that I found cool though whether it be how much power a producer has in final cut and distribution to the loops they have to go through in order to please their financers and studio execs. Though given a certain type of hyper stylized glamour, it seems like this kind of job which I thought I might like would probably give me a heart attack. Doing so many things at once and showing how pushed and pulled producers are to deliver, I like thinking of myself as more of an audience member enjoying what's put on screen and getting people excited about stuff rather than spending all my time worrying about test screenings and editing for one project. Overall, there were certain funny parts about how superstitious actors are and the perks of living the high life in the biz but I never wanted to be anyone in this movie or needed to look up the guy who it's based on. The idea of following someone around who does all the dirty work to get a movie made isn't nearly as interesting as how the movie effects those around you. Either way, I'm definitely not moving out to CA now!
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