Checked out the new Nicholas Cage Sci-Fi movie Knowing on the giant screen this afternoon and was not impressed at all. Coming from Alex Proyas, the director of Dark City and The Crow, I was expecting a much darker mystery and intimate character study but once again, we get this overexaggerated CGI mess of a film that could have been so much better. The premise is actually cool, where a young girl writes a bunch of numbers on paper into a time capsule that when opened in the present, predicts all the major disasters of the last 50 years and the next couple that haven't happened yet. What I don't get is why they didn't milk this idea further, instead of showing newspaper articles of stuff that already happened, they should have had more than 2 events that they have to try and stop to bump up the suspense. Nicholas Cage seems to play the same over emotional nutcase in every film, trying to convince everyone this paranoia is real and again losing any credibility that he's bringing his career back. It seemed this movie had so many idea thrown into it's script that it didn't know what kind of genre it wanted to be, alternating the huge special FX shots with depressing overacting that by the end made me not even care what happened to these characters. There were too many ambiguous motives and details that seemed to just try and throw me off track, not to mention the ending which was so far fetched that I was just ready for it to be over. My friends and I were literally laughing during the entire movie, making me certain that you can't take this movie seriously at all which is a shame.
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