This afternoon I checked out Pride and Glory on DVD, a movie I had seen in theatres but really wanted to like more this second time around. Unfortunately, there's just something missing from this story which revolves around Colin Farrel and Edward Norton's family legacy within the NY police department who are torn apart by corruption, drugs and murder. Both of these guys are great when they're together on screen but that doesn't happen that often as almost right from the start we see who the bad guy is and who the hero is so they're either tracking down leads on eachtother or covering their tracks. It just doesn't build enough tension that's needed to care about either one when they eventually fight at the end which actuallyturns out to be cool. The other various character's accents and interaction within the local settings of Manhattan play an integral part to establish the tone and create a realitistic criminal underworld that really is the only thing that seems to work. I guess I wanted a less formulaic cop drama and one that doesn't make the obvious mistakes of killing everyone out of convenience. It's cool to see these guys trying to so hard but I think this movie fails in the end.
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