I don't know if it's my love of dogs, animated movies, or self reflexive parody but man do I think this movie rocks. The first thing that comes to mind is thank god Disney is finally getting some help from Pixar so we get more of these hyper photo-realistic animation that makes me amazingly pumped for future releases. I first saw Bolt twice in 3D and even though it's not with glasses here, the Blu Ray looks so good it's as close as you're gonna get. What's so cool about this movie is that it uses Hollywood's own stereotypes as comedy, basically showing the making of a stylized TV show within the movie itself, using that as an excuse to go overboard on action and slow mow camera shots, almost mocking the CSI type shows. The secondary characters of Rhino the hampster and Mittens the cat are crucial to supporting Bolt just like any classic disney charaters should, bringing hilarious comic relief and teaching him to become a real dog in the world he knows nothing about. For some reason, I just find every character in the movie hilarious, whether it be the NY pidgeons, crazy agent, or actor cat who all bring realistic humor to the story. All in all, everything works as the pounding score, detailed animation, and enduring themes of friends all make this movie something I look forward to revisiting.
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