This was one of the worst movies I've seen in a while and I've seen a lot. From the director of the Saw films comes Repo The Genetic Opera, by far the weirdest, craziest, and most messed up idea that came out of Hollywood last year. Here's a couple things this movie had going for it. One, Paris Hilton. Ya....she can act. Two, it's a musical. Three, it's about people stealing peoples organs! The design of this movie was like some trippy nightmareish music video where an all powerful company reposseses organs from people by literally tearing them open while they're alive and killing them. For some reason the producers thought it would be a good idea for characters to sing their lines but it's full of horrible actors literally talking about getting surgery and going after people's faces to wear as their own. This is something that really has to be seen to be believed, the people that actually like this movie are trying so hard to be emo and goth that they seriously need help. If anything, this movie can be considered a comedy for the way it tries to have it's own style of music and dance while being completely retarded and grotesque for the sake of being original.
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