Happy-Go-Lucky is a movie that I'd heard good things about, specifically for Sally Hawking's performance, but after all this wait, I was not impressed at all. For some reason, I did not care for her "Poppy" character in the slightest and that's where the problem lies I think. You either find her funny and happy or completely annoying. Maybe it was the british humor and accent that I didn't connect with but for some reason, this movie is really about nothing but a short look into the life of this elementary school teacher who has a sunny disposition towards life. Going out to concerts with her friends, curing hangovers, and trying to get her driver's license, there wasn't enough conflict or drama in this to actually worry what happens to her. The driving teacher who gets so frustrated by her over self importance finally lashes out at everyone around them which was probably what I would have done. In the end, this movie is supposed to be a quirky realistic romp into a 30 year old single teacher's life but instead was just depressing that the people weren't having any fun. That's what I look for in a movie, can I learn something or take me away to some fun far off place. This did neither.
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