Wow, Inkeart was even worse that I thought it'd be and that's saying a lot. Not knowing exactly what genre it wants to be, the movie is like a bad Harry Potter mixed with Dungeons and Dragons to create something so boring and far fetched that I actually didn't even care what was going on which almost never happens. For some reason, Brenden Frasier thinks being in a kids movie with a lot of special FX automatically gives him a reason to act like a bumblig idiot but this movie takes the cake. With a supporting cast of Helen Mirren, Jim Broadbent and Andy Serkis, this movie could have been a Princess Bride type of thing where what you read in the book comes to life but instead it was all about him and his daughter trying to find their Mom who got sent into the book when he read something out of it. By trying to incorporate shitty CGI of every imaginable create in a book like flying monkeys, unicorns, minotaurs, etc, the movie never can keep up with making them seem realistic when the characters are constantly moving on to the next scenario. I didn't care for the villians or even the plot about finding the Inkheart book to send his friend back into it so much that I was hoping they'd all die by the end. A huge flop and a movie that has so many pacing issues and bad dialogue that I couldn't even remember one action scene after it was done. Be glad you didn't see this yet.
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