For some fun this morning I decided to pop in Wedding Crashers and listen to the commentary by stars Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn to get some background on their experience of the movie. First off, I think this movie was one of the first great groups of R Rated niche comedies that took a certain idea we all wanted to do and ran with it. The chemistry b/w these guys is great on and off screen and they discuss everything from meeting their coworkers Christopher Walken and Rachel McAdams to all the food they got to eat and footballs they threw around on set. What I found interesting is the different locations they used to make it seem like they were all in the same place and the way that the director had to cut out a lot of scenes for pacing reasons. They pretty much got to party on set and make out with half naked women the first half of the movie, only to get beat up and have stunt doubles for the second half. The only problem I have with this movie is that these guys almost think they're too cool, using this type of reverse psychology on each other that makes it seem they're so much better at this than anyone could be. I didn't really identify with them as much as current films like Pineapple Express and Knocked Up which bring a more modern and realistic pop culture references to light. Overall, a fun movie that makes you want to go to wedddings but nothing more.
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